(Re)Education of Schools Podcast

Ep. 5 - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Educator's State of Mind

Justin Moorman and Katie Thornton Season 1 Episode 5

Justing and Katie are back for this week's episode to dissect the educator's state of mind (figuratively speaking).  How are educators feeling about their jobs? How does everyone else feel about educators' jobs? With teachers being asked to do even more (academics, behavior, AND social emotional learning), what effects are we seeing in our profession. Justin and Katie evoke the wisdom of a hostage negotiator (Chris Voss - Never Split the Difference) and a world-renowned author (Michael Gladwell - Talking to Strangers) to provide perspective and insight on this week's topics. Let the conversation continue! 

Chris Voss - https://www.amazon.com/Never-Split-Difference-Negotiating-Depended/dp/0062407805) 

Michael Gladwell - https://www.gladwellbooks.com/